Global Beauty’s Crew Rescue 2 off Sri Lankan Coast

Padmesh Prabhune – In a rare display of skills and watchfulness, the crew aboard the tanker vessel MT Global Beauty successfully rescued two fishermen discovered adrift in the open seas in the waters off the Sri Lankan coast last Saturday, August 24, 2024. According to reports the MT Global Beauty had arrived at Colombo Srilanka


Conundrum it is!  When there is no minimal qualification for legislators and parliamentarians, such law makers can’t be expected to draw up what they intend or revise for the better, from the lessons learnt. Foibles there would be with concoctions! Adversarial nature of lawyers and advocates – do please note salient differentiations between them, rules

JNPA Averts Strike by Port Workers

Padmesh Prabhune – The timely intervention of port management officials prevented a three-day strike that was to begin on August 20 by port workers at JNPT. The strike now has been postponed for two weeks until September 9, 2024. Earlier the JNPT Container Operators Association had called for suspension of work beginning August 20 for

Dry Market Roundup

“Whilst not many things have changed in the spot market during the last few trading days, a historic US credit rating downgrade by rating company Fitch made headlines, sending shockwaves in stock markets across the globe. On Tuesday, Fitch cut its US credit rating from triple A to double A plus, citing a mounting government