Euronav and Anglo-Eastern Join Forces

Euronav NV (“Euronav”) and Anglo-Eastern Univan Group (“Anglo-Eastern”) are pleased to announce a Heads of Agreement (“HoA”) for the sale and purchase of Euronav Ship Management Hellas (“ESMH”), Euronav’s ship management arm. Euronav and Anglo-Eastern intend to join forces through this sale, with the latter assuming ownership of ship management responsibilities for the vessels currently

Tomini Group Bags 3 Awards

Capt Om Dutta Felicitated With National Gallantry Award 2024 Padmesh Prabhune – On the occasion of the 61st National Maritime Day Celebrations, a Gallantry Award was presented to Capt Om Dutta towards his rescue operation aboard the Tomini Dynasty, thereby saving 11 lives amidst the high seas. The Award was presented by Shri Shyam Jagannathan,

IRS announces Mr Rabindra Sah as its new CTO to accelerate its digitalisation initiatives

Indian Register of Shipping (IRS), a leading international classification society, announces the appointment of Mr. Rabindra Sah as its new Chief Technology Officer (CTO) to accelerate its digitalisation initiatives. “We commenced our digital transformation initiatives a few years ago and welcome Mr. Sah to the IRS family” said Mr. Arun Sharma, Executive Chairman, IRS. “His


The Company of Master Mariners of India (CMMI) Delhi‑Chapter on 22nd March conducted a technical seminar themed Maritime POT-POURRI! True to the premise of a potpourri, wide-ranging topics were presented and discussed. Mr Amitabh Kumar, IRS, the former Director General of Shipping graced the occasion as Chief Guest and Capt MP Bhasin, Chairman, CMMI was

Unlocking Opportunities

Ganpat University proudly announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Aerospace and Aviation Sector Skill Council on April 12 at Ganpat University during its 19th Foundation Day celebration. Leaders from academia and business gathered at the event, signifying a dedication to promoting innovation and expansion in the aerospace and aviation sector.