As temperatures rise to record highs this summer, ship recycling companies are increasing their efforts to safeguard staff from the scorching heat. The excessive summer heat, growing absenteeism, and the impact on productivity have pushed these businesses to implement a variety of steps to keep their employees safe and healthy.

Bansal Ship Breakers Private Limited in Alang, India, has implemented many steps to guarantee that their personnel are not negatively impacted by the high heat. These precautions include misting and fogging systems, air-conditioned rest spaces, rehydration salt distribution, regular medical check-ups, and a doctor on call.

“To combat dehydration, we ensure a steady supply of drinking water, water dispensers, and earthen pots at all work areas,” stated Rubal Bansal, Director of Bansal Ship Breakers. “We also provide ORS water on a regular basis. Our staffs are outfitted with fire-resistant apparel, which helps to lessen the impact of heat from hot metal in their surroundings.”

In addition to caring for their own staff, Bansal Ship Breakers has extended its support to the larger community. Recognising the critical need for hydration solutions in the Alang Sosiya ship recycling sector, the corporation contributed 3,000 sachets of oral rehydration salts to The Alang Sosiya Ship Recycling & General Workers’ Association (ASSRGWA). Each sachet can be used to make one litre of oral rehydration drink, which will be given to individuals in need in the Alang Sosiya ship recycling region.

This thoughtful gesture by Bansal Ship Breakers aims to ensure that not only their employees, but also other workers in the region, stay hydrated and healthy during the hot summer months. By supplying these ORS sachets, the organisation is helping to reduce the risk of dehydration and heat-related ailments in the general workforce.

Guideship Consultancy Services has also taken proactive steps to address workplace heat stress. Mr. Rohith Agarwal, Chief Officer of Guideship Consultancy Services, has advised ship recycling yards that work with him to implement preventive measures. Mr Agarwal monitors heat stress indices to ensure that proper actions are made at various ship recycling yards in Alang. He has proactively encouraged ship recyclers to establish hydration stations throughout their facilities to promote adequate water consumption.

Mr Agarwal also emphasises the significance of frequent training sessions to prepare personnel to identify and handle heat stress symptoms. “On-site medical teams must be prepared to provide immediate assistance in case of heat-related illnesses,” he stated. “It’s crucial that we take these proactive steps to ensure the safety and well-being of workers.”

As temperatures rise, these preemptive actions will become increasingly important. Companies understand that keeping employees healthy is not just a moral obligation, but also necessary for maintaining production throughout the busy summer months. Industry leaders such as Bansal Ship Breakers and Guideship Consultancy Services have established a thorough strategy to protecting their crew from the risks posed by excessive heat.

As mercury levels grow, the ship recycling business is setting an example of how to protect people while maintaining operational efficiency. These businesses, through creativity and effort, ensure that their employees remain safe, hydrated, and productive even in the face of harsh summer weather.

Marex Media

The Author

Mr Rohith Agarwal
Guideship Consulting Services, Bhavnagar

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