On August 3 this year, Maritime Trainers from all over the country as well as some from overseas will meet in Mumbai for the annual Foundation Day event of the Maritime Trainers Guild.

The purpose of the meet is to debate solutions to issues in maritime training, and also seek how to better support seafarers through modernization of training methods while retaining the traditional knowledge and skills of seafaring.

Here’s why you too should attend the function, and while there take the opportunity to join the Guild in order to contribute to the betterment of the seafaring & MET professions.

  1. Professional Development

 Joining the Maritime Trainers Guild provides access to a network of experienced maritime trainers who can offer valuable insights, guidance, and mentorship to help you enhance your skills and expertise in maritime training.

  • Industry Updates

 The Maritime Trainers Guild keeps its members informed about the latest trends, regulations, and advancements in the maritime industry, ensuring that you stay up-to-date with relevant information that can positively impact your training programs.

  • Networking Opportunities

 Being a part of the Maritime Trainers Guild opens doors to networking opportunities with fellow trainers, industry professionals, and key stakeholders in the maritime sector. This can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and career advancement prospects within the industry.

  • Resource Sharing

 Members of the Maritime Trainers Guild often benefit from access to a wide range of resources, including training materials, best practices, case studies, and research findings that can enrich their training programs and improve learning outcomes for their students.

  • Voice & Advocacy

By joining the Maritime Trainers Guild, you become part of a collective voice that advocates for the interests and concerns of maritime trainers. Through collective action and representation, the Guild works towards promoting excellence in maritime training standards and fostering a supportive environment for trainers in the industry.

  • Bonus Benefit

Taking part in MTG online and physical functions as a speaker and/or panellist provides you a platform to express your expertise and knowledge to a wider audience of the industry, and also be recognised as a selfless benefactor of the maritime world.

Joining the Maritime Trainers Guild can be a valuable investment in your professional growth, networking opportunities, industry knowledge, and advocacy efforts within the maritime training community.

Marex Media

MTG Foundation Day Anniversary Celebration

Adapting to Disruptive Changes in Maritime Education and Training

Saturday, 03rd August 2024

MCA-BKC Club, Mumbai



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