Yet another year has whizzed past, somewhat excitingly for the country- what with a national election, and an assembly election in some states. Some governments changed, whilst others didn’t, with all parties claiming victories- actual, moral or implied.
But what changed for the seafarer?
Fortunately, (or otherwise) apart from MV Dali, there was no other major incident which grabbed global attention. This is good news, and scary as well. It could mean that the scores of ships (and their seafarers) which have been target of attacks- by Houthis, piracy, robbery or whatever- have been ‘brushed’ aside as a ‘routine’ matter- all in a day’s work!!
Despite Maritime Labour Convention 2006, despite the IMO resolution on Fair Treatment of Seafarers, despite IMO declaring the seafarer as a ‘key worker’, despite everyone claiming welfare of seafarers as ‘clause paramount’, little seems to have changed on the ground for the seafarer!
SID convention (ILO C185) came into force in 2005, but that it has been ratified by only 40 countries so far speaks volumes of the intent! This convention requires signatories to offer unhindered passage to seafarers joining or disembarking from ships in their ports. Seafarers thus, still struggle with visas and shore leave!
The amendments to MLC 2006 have taken effect from 23rd Dec 2024. Attention seekers have blown their trumpets, but in reality, hardly anything changed on the ground for the seafarer.
The ‘D’ Day for Maritime India Vision 2030 is fast approaching, but there do not seem to be any radical initiatives to enable any transformation for achieving these goals in the next 5 years!
So, what can get treatment of seafarers the attention it deserves? Maybe carrying a bag with ‘Seafarers’ inscribed, into the hallowed house of Parliament?
Bye Bye 2024, Hello 2025!
Marex Media