Delphine Estibeiro

In an epistle to the Honourable Minister of Port, Shipping, and Waterways, Mr Sarbanand Sonowal, members of the Forward Seamen’s Union of India (FSUI) expressed their gratitude to Mr Sonowal for taking the initiative to resolve the seafarers’ long-pending pension demands.

Mr Manoj Yadav, General Secretary of the FSUI, stated that the long-pending pension demands for all of our seafarers, officers and ratings, as well as Voluntary Contribution (AVC), had been deposited at the Seamen’s Provident Fund office.

“In spite of this being one of the requirements of MLC 2006 to be full filled as part social securities of seafarers, till date today, none of it has come out positively,” he accentuated.

On the ILO Convention C071 Pension to Seafarers to be ratified, and officers and rating seafarers to receive benefits, he emphasised that many seafarers who retired from sea service in the Merchant Navy, as well as the seafarers widows, have not received any such assistance in the form of a pension and are experiencing economic hardship as a result of the lack of a pension policy in place.

Mr Yadav cited the Goa Welfare/Pension Scheme for Seafarers by the Home Department, Government of Goa, which offers financial help in the form of a Gross Pension of ₹ 2,500/- per month to beneficiaries. “However, this scheme can work out unless there is a definite will from the administration and the Ministry,” he said.

His appeal to the Minister was as follows: we beg your assistance to direct the adoption of a pension plan that will make history in Indian shipping by benefiting thousands of working and retired sailors. The entire seafaring community and their families will be grateful for your concern.

FSUI has been dedicated to protecting the interests of maritime workers for more than a half-century, nearly seven decades.

Marex Media

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