Mind-set is crucial in the shipping sector because it influences how personnel approach their tasks

When we encounter serious events, we frequently discuss the importance of changing our mind-set. For instance, when I was growing up, my mom was hospitalised, and my dad had to balance home, office, and hospital. When mom returned home, my siblings and I expressed our dissatisfaction about missing her cooked meals, despite the fact that our dad cooks excellently. That day, my mother decided that her children, regardless of gender, ought to be independent and strong. She taught us to cook and manage the house from a young age.

So, what exactly is the mind-set?

A mind-set is a collection of attitudes a person holds about himself and their skills. It can be either fixed or growing. A fixed mind-set holds that intelligence and abilities are fixed characteristics that cannot be modified. A growth mind-set holds that intelligence and abilities may be improved through hard work and dedication.

Mind-set is crucial in the shipping sector because it influences how personnel approach their tasks. Those with a fixed mind-set may give up when faced with a difficulty, whereas those with a development mind-set are more likely to endure and learn from their mistakes. Let’s delve into why this shift in thinking is essential:

Receptivity to change: The maritime industry operates in a changing environment. Technological advances, environmental concerns, gender balance and changing global trade patterns necessitate adaptation. A progressive mind-set promotes receptivity to change, enabling businesses to remain relevant and competitive.

Digital Strategy: While the shipping sector has made progress in vessel technology, it is falling behind in digital adoption. A modern thinking recognises the necessity for a digital strategy. Strategic thinking, innovation, and continuous education are critical components of this change.

Strong public voice: Shipping has never had a powerful external voice. We have to alter this viewpoint. Through the use of blogs, podcasts, and easily accessible media, we can debunk myths and highlight the industry’s value to younger generations. A forward-thinking perspective motivates us to effectively communicate across conventional boundaries.

Attract young talent: The shipping sector frequently fails to draw in young talent and lacks good visibility. A forward-thinking outlook can alter this understanding. We can draw in new talent by emphasising the industry’s significance, environmental initiatives, and career prospects.

In short, a growth mind-set is the compass that directs the shipping sector towards a more sustainable, efficient, and connected future. So let us continue to cultivate a growth mind-set and set sail for new possibilities!

Marex Media

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